Estas notas están diseñadas para guiarle por todo el proceso del etiquetado de una página web utilizando los descriptores de la ICRA. Para información más general puede consultar la página de preguntas más frecuentes. Sitio/Rama o Página? Un sitio entero es exactamente esto, un sitio entero, cuyo acceso se da por un dominio único como […]
Category Archives: Blog
Utilizzare il seguente modulo per generare un’etichetta di classificazione ICRA per il proprio sito Web. The form is divided into the following sections: Informazioni generali sul sito da etichettare. Le condizioni contrattuali ICRA richiedono l’immissione di un numero limitato di dati personali. Fare clic qui per visualizzare l’informativa sulla privacy ICRA. Il questionario ICRA vero […]
Spiacenti, questa pagina è disponibile solo in inglese Working with ICRAplus – software manufacturers ICRAplus has been designed to work with any filtering software and inclusion on the page of available downloads is open to any filter manufacturer, subject only to reaching a formal agreement with ICRA. As an independent non-profit organization ICRA does not […]
Leider gibt es diese Seite nur in englischer Sprache This procedure provides the solution to the most common problem experienced with Content Advisor. The cause is a corrupted file called “ratings.pol”. Please note that this procedure applies only to Windows ME. Windows 9x and NT users should click here. If you are running Windows 2000 […]
Lo sentimos pero esta página solamente está disponible en inglés Microsoft® Front Page is a powerful tool with which you can create some very impressive web pages without having to know much about HTML or any other web site coding language. Every time you add an image or type something into your web pages, Front […]
Désolé, mais cette page n’est disponible qu’en Anglais Working with ICRAplus – software manufacturers ICRAplus has been designed to work with any filtering software and inclusion on the page of available downloads is open to any filter manufacturer, subject only to reaching a formal agreement with ICRA. As an independent non-profit organization ICRA does not […]
Below is the report of Internet Content Rating Association’s Advisory Board report to the ICRA Board of Directors. It is the culmination of several months intense work by thirteen international experts. This report was recently presented by Nigel Williams, Chairman of the Advisory Board, to the ICRA Board and formed a central part of our […]
Spiacenti, questa pagina è disponibile solo in inglese How it was developed – the Sift project The Sift project ran for 18 months from February 2002 to July 2003 and brought ICRA together with Spanish filtering solutions company Optenet the Greek National Centre for Scientific Research (NCSR “Demokritos”). It was co-funded by the European Union’s […]
Dieses Verfahren liefert die Lösung für das am häufigsten auftretende Problem beim Inhaltsratgeber. Die Ursache des Problems ist eine verfälschte “ratings.pol” Datei. Bitte beachten Sie, dass sich dieses Verfahren auf Windows 9x, ME und NT bezieht. Es trifft NICHT auf Windows 2000 zu. Microsoft weiß über das Problem Bescheid! 1. Schließen Sie Internet Explorer. 2. […]
對不起,這一頁只能以英文顯示。 Working with ICRAplus – software manufacturers ICRAplus has been designed to work with any filtering software and inclusion on the page of available downloads is open to any filter manufacturer, subject only to reaching a formal agreement with ICRA. As an independent non-profit organization ICRA does not endorse or promote any particular filtering software. […]