對不起,這一頁只能以英文顯示。 Protecting Kids with Digimarc™ Overview Image courtesy of Corbis The Protecting Kids with Digimarc program is similar to the Internet Content Rating Association’s website labeling system in that it enables content providers to voluntarily self-regulate their web content in an effort to help make the internet safer for children and to reduce […]
Category Archives: Blog
對不起,這一頁只能以英文顯示。 If you want to get a label for your site, please click here and use the label generator on this site. If, however, you would like to include a copy of the label & meta data generator on your website, or you would like to have a copy on your computer for easy offline […]
什麼促使公司及組織支持互聯網內容標籤協會(ICRA)?他們使用ICRA系統的經驗又如何? 答案不盡相同,但我們提供下列兩個有直接經驗的個案。 Thee-Envoy辦公室,英國內閣議會的一部份,他們在國家和地方政府的網站採用PICS標籤。 Tiscali,ICRA的最新會員之一,以各種各樣的方法在其網頁上貼上標籤。 ICRA 香港
Author, Librarian and Mom Jean Armour Polly is the author of The Internet Kids & Family Yellow Pages (Osborne McGraw-Hill, now in its fourth edition , October, 1999), a family-friendly directory to 4,600 of the best children’s resources the Internet has to offer. Author, librarian, and mom, Jean also wrote the original “Surfing the Internet” […]
Spiacenti, questa pagina è disponibile solo in inglese ICRA support and general enquiries ICRA Offices Advertising Support and general enquiries We have tried to give full details of the organization and how both web authors and web users can benefit from the ICRA labelling system. If you would like further clarification on […]
Sign up for a free Protecting Kids with Digimarc™ watermarking subscription. When you do, you will immediately receive your unique Digimarc ID that can be used with many popular image editing tools to embed an Adult Content attribute in your watermarked images. Digimarc enabled imaging editing tools include such popular applications such as Adobe Photoshop®, […]
Senior VP & Chief Policy Officer Network Solutions Inc Roger Cochetti is Senior VP & Chief Policy Officer for Network Solutions Inc. Previously with IBM where he coordinated IBM’s efforts to ensure that government policies and regulations worldwide were supportive of electronic business and the Internet. Prior to which Roger held the position of Program […]
Thank you for joining us and welcome to ICRA! Your application has been received and will be processed as soon as possible. We have sent you an initial e-mail and will be in touch with you again the very near future but if you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at […]
VP and General Manager of Global Licensing Digimarc, Inc. Reed Stager is Digimarc’s vice president and general manager of Global Licensing. Mr. Stager is responsible for licensing digital watermarking technology and applications across a broad range of industries, applications, and media, including print, digital images, audio and video. Mr. Stager has been with the company […]
Spiacenti, questa pagina è disponibile solo in inglese Templates can be as simple or as complex as you wish. It is perfectly possible, for example, to make a simple template that allows access to a list of sites and forbids access to any other. On the other hand, using a combination of filtering rules, block […]