Category Archives: Blog

Vereinigung zur Klassifizierung von Internet Inhalten

Wie einfach oder differenziert eine Schablone sein soll, können Sie selbst bei der Erstellung bestimmen. So ist es beispielsweise möglich, eine ganz einfache Schablone zu erstellen, die den Zugriff auf eine bestimmte Liste von Internet-Sites erlaubt, den Zugriff auf alle anderen aber unterbindet. Durch das Kombinieren von Filterregeln, Zulassungslisten und Sperrlisten können Sie dagegen eine […]

Internet Content Rating Association::: Hotlines Links

ICRA does not deal with illegal material on the internet. This is done by specialist agencies that usually work closely with national police forces and Internet Service Providers to locate and remove such material, and, where possible, to prosecute the offender(s). The international nature of the internet makes enforcement of “the law” extremely difficult. There […]

Internet Content Rating Association

Informasjonen som innhentes inkluderer basisinformasjon om nettstedet som er nødvendig for å generere etiketten, samt noe om den som registrerer for statistiske formål.  Vi ber om at alle relevante felter fylles ut. Spørreskjemaet vil lagre svarene på din datamaskin i en “cookie” (informasjonskapsel). Dette gjør deg i stand til å kunne skjekke og endre svarene […]

Sheridan Scott

Chief Regulatory Officer Bell Canada Sheridan Scott is Chief Regulatory Officer of Bell Canada. She is responsible for overseeing all activities involving the CRTC, the Copyright Board and the Competition Bureau on behalf of Bell Canada, Bell Mobility and Bell ExpressVu. Sheridan has over 20 years of experience in the telecommunications and broadcasting sectors, including […]

ICRAplus: The parental control that puts parents in control

Before installing ICRAplus, Windows 95 users must first install an upgrade from Microsoft known as “Winsock 2” If you have already done this on a previous occasion please continue with your download of ICRAplus by clicking here. If you have not installed Winsock 2, please visit the Microsoft website and follow their instructions before continuing […]


Published 21st March 2002 Version 1.0 In order that “Template Providers” may be able to brand their PRFs, ICRA has defined an optional extension to the W3C’s PICSRules specification. A 16 by 16 pixel icon may be included as a hexadecimal string. The extension declaration should be given as follows: optextension ( “” ShortName “ICRAfilter” […]

Fred Cooke

Vice President, Government Relations Verizon Online Services, Inc. and Verizon Entertainment, Inc. Fred Cooke is responsible for all public policy development and execution for the video and data lines of Verizon’s business. He oversees the development of policies to support the data and video business goals by coordinating with legal, marketing, operations, federal and state […]

ICRA: Internet Content Rating Association::: Choice not censorship

Introduction This filter has been developed to demonstrate a transparent, freely available tool to enable parents to control access to material they deem inappropriate or potentially harmful to their children and at the same time protect freedom of expression. It is designed primarily to demonstrate filtering based on PICS and other techniques and is not, […]

L'Association de classification du contenu de l'Internet::: ICRAfilter

Introduction Ce filtre a été conçu comme un outil transparent distribué gratuitement, qui permet aux parents de contrôler l’accès aux contenus qu’ils jugent offensants ou potentiellement dangereux pour leurs enfants tout en protégeant la liberté d’expression. Le filtrage qu’il effectue repose principalement sur PICS et d’autres techniques. Il ne s’agit pas d’un produit grand public […]