Category Archives: Blog

Internet Content Rating Association. A parent's view

Einführung Dieser Filter wurde entwickelt, um Eltern ein transparentes, frei verfügbares Tool an die Hand zu geben, mit dem sie den Zugang ihrer Kinder zu Material kontrollieren können, das seitens der Eltern für unpassend oder möglicherweise schädlich gehalten wird. Gleichzeitig bleibt hierbei das Recht auf freie Meinungsäußerung unangetastet. In erster Linie wurde der Filter dazu […]

Internet Content Rating Association

ICRAfilter is the second phase of the Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA) global labelling system. The initial phase was the creation of the first truly international syntax to describe content on the Internet. Content providers can voluntarily and objectively label their own sites by completing a questionnaire which generates a descriptive html tag or label […]

Internet Content Rating Association

The Internet Content Rating Association will today urge industry leaders and content providers to take more responsibility to make the Internet a safer place. Speaking at the world’s first convention on online safety in Singapore, ICRA’s executive director, Stephen Balkam, will urge over 400 delegates to rate their sites using a new labelling and filtering […]

Internet Content Rating Association

28 février 2001 BOND EN AVANT DANS LE DOMAINE DE LA SÉCURITÉ DES ENFANTS SUR L’INTERNET L’ICRA DISPONIBLE DANS QUATRE LANGUES En décembre dernier, l’ICRA a lancé le premier système d’auto-étiquetage conçu pour permettre le filtrage de l’Internet tout en respectant les différents systèmes de valeurs culturelles. A partir d’aujourd’hui ce système est aussi disponible […]

Internet Content Rating Association

Vice President, Government Relations Verizon Online Services, Inc. and Verizon Entertainment, Inc. Fred Cooke is responsible for all public policy development and execution for the video and data lines of Verizon’s business. He oversees the development of policies to support the data and video business goals by coordinating with legal, marketing, operations, federal and state […]

Internet Content Rating Association

Vice-president of the Netherlands Film Institute Director Kids@ndMedia, Phrixus Foundation Independent Media watcher consultant. From 1989 to February 2001, the month in which the Netherlands Government abolished the law on the Film Performances Act, Mr.Crans was director of the Netherlands Board of Film Classification (NBFC). Before that he had already worked in the field of […]

Internet Content Rating Association

Executive Director Center For Democracy & Technology Jerry Berman is the Executive Director of CDT. The Center was founded in December of 1994 by Mr. Berman and Daniel Weitzner. Mr. Berman coordinates CDT’s free speech and privacy policy working groups comprised of communications firms, associations and civil liberties groups addressing Internet policy issues. He also […]