Category Archives: Blog

Internet Content Rating Association. A parent's view

  Introduction   Key features   Templates   Download & installation Introduction This filter has been developed to demonstrate a transparent, freely available tool to enable parents to control access to material they deem inappropriate or potentially harmful to their children and at the same time protect freedom of expression. It is designed primarily to […]

Internet Content Rating Association

A significant new development in the effort to protect children online, while respecting the free speech rights of content providers, is being unveiled today by the Internet Content Rating Association [ICRA], an independent, non-profit organization, based in Europe and North America. The new content labeling system, which can be found at, is the culmination […]

Internet Content Rating Association

Les efforts pour protéger les enfants qui utilisent l’Internet tout en respectant la liberté d’expression des développeurs de sites ont connu un nouveau développement aujourd’hui. L’Association de classification du contenu de l’Internet (ICRA), une organisation indépendante et à but non lucratif, basée en Europe et en Amérique du Nord, a rendu public son nouveau système […]

Internet Content Rating Association

Si vous ne l’avez pas déjà fait, vous pouvez à présent cliquer sur le bouton “Activer”. Cela peut quelquefois prêter à confusion. Si le bouton dit [Activer], le Gestionnaire d’accès est en fait Désactivé. De même, si le bouton dit [Désactiver], alors le Gestionnaire d’accès est Activé. Autrement dit, le bouton montre l’action à votre […]

Internet Content Rating Association

The ICRA descriptors were determined through a process of international consultation trying to establish descriptors that would give reasonable international consistency. Some descriptors merit additional definitions, because of ambiguities that may arise in the process of translation and to help content providers deal with descriptors that have subjective elements. General comments “..images, portrayals or descriptions…” […]

Internet Content Rating Association

A significant new development in the effort to protect children online, while respecting the free speech rights of content providers, is being unveiled today by the Internet Content Rating Association [ICRA], an independent, non-profit organisation, based in Europe and North America. The new content labelling system, which can be found at, is the culmination […]