Ms. Mary Lou Kenny has been appointed Director, North America of the Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA). ICRA is an international, independent membership organization that empowers the public, especially parents, to make informed decisions about electronic media by means of the open and objective labelling of content. ICRA’s mission is to protect children from potentially […]
Category Archives: Blog
Below is the report of Internet Content Rating Association’s Advisory Board report to the ICRA Board of Directors. It is the culmination of several months intense work by thirteen international experts. This report was recently presented by Nigel Williams, Chairman of the Advisory Board, to the ICRA Board and formed a central part of our […]
Germaine de Haan This outline supplies a brief general overview of current classification systems, rating criteria, considerations and concerns within the various Film Classification Boards in Europe. ORGANISATION Most Classification systems are bound by Legal Acts imposed on them by the Government. They can, however, function independently. In some cases the Law even distinguishes the […]
Testimony given by Sheridan Scott, Bell Canada, Board Member, Internet Content Rating Association Introduction Thank you, Chairman, for this opportunity to testify to this hearing of the COPA Commission. My name is Sheridan Scott and I am the Chief Regulatory Officer for Bell Canada and I am a Board member of the Internet Content Rating […]
The key point about the ICRA system is that it empowers parents to make choices about what their children can and cannot see on the internet. Choice not censorship is the phrase that best sums up the philosophy. ICRA is not a software company and does not offer complete packages for parents. However, we do […]
Dieses Verfahren liefert die Lösung für das am häufigsten auftretende Problem beim Inhaltsratgeber. Die Ursache des Problems ist eine verfälschte “ratings.pol” Datei. Bitte beachten Sie, dass sich dieses Verfahren auf Windows 9x, ME und NT bezieht. Es trifft NICHT auf Windows 2000 zu. Microsoft weiß über das Problem Bescheid! 1. Schließen Sie Internet Explorer. 2. […]
Sollten Sie bereits mit dem Klassifizierungsprozess vertraut sein, kann gleich mit dem Fragebogen begonnen werden. Das ICRA Kennzeichnungssystem ist ein öffentliches, objektives und auf den Inhalt bezogenes Klassifizierungssystem mit dem Zweck, über den Webbrowser eine Filtermöglichkeit zu bieten. Die ICRA Klassifizierungskategorien richten sich nach bestimmten Definitionen. Diese dienen Webautoren als Anleitung zum Prüfen einer Checkliste […]
Washington, DC, March 6, 2002 – Leading companies in the adult entertainment industry ranging from Larry Flynt Productions and MaxCash to YNOTMasters and Epoch are taking a proactive and aggressive stand to protect children from inappropriate or harmful Internet content, according to the Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA). ICRA is a global, non-profit organization of […]
Netgem and the Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA) have announced an agreement to allow television portal operators to benefit from ICRA’s parental control system when using Netgem’s technology. Stephen Balkam, chief executive officer of ICRA said: “This agreement with Netgem, a leading European supplier of open and DVB standard iTV technologies, provides ICRA with the […]
This is the jump-off point for a whole raft of information. Some of it is right up to date, other articles are older but still provide relevant information. We’ve divided the page up into several sections: ICRAdiary This is the most up to date information about what various members of the ICRA team are up […]