A new window should have opened for the full ICRA web site. If not, please click here. You may experience some trouble when using your Back button from this page. If the web site you are looking at has a navigation bar, please use it. If you do have to use your browser’s Back button, […]
Category Archives: Blog
We believe that throughout this site there is no material which a parent would consider unsuitable for children. However, the content is aimed at web authors and adults who are interested in self-labelling as a means of protecting children. The site is fully labelled using our own PICS-based system. The banner advertising is beyond our […]
The Internet Content Rating Association is an international, independent organization that empowers the public, especially parents, to make informed decisions about electronic media by means of the open and objective labelling of content. ICRA’s dual aims are to: protect children from potentially harmful material; and, to protect free speech on the internet. There are two […]
Weitere Unterstützung … Sollten Ihre Frage nicht beantwortet worden sein oder falls Sie weitere Hilfe benötigen, stehen zusätzliche Informationsquellen zur Verfügung. Wie nachfolgend gezeigt wird, bietet Microsoft Anwendern von Internet Explorer jede Menge Online-Unterstützung: Die NetWatch-Funktion von Netscape wird von einer Software gesteuert, die sich auf den betriebseigenen Servern des Unternehmens befindet. Aus diesem Grund […]
The Internet Content Rating Association is an independent, non-profit organization with offices in the US and Europe. ICRA’s aim is to protect children from potentially harmful material while protecting the free speech rights of content providers. ICRA owns and operates the ICRA labelling system, and its RSACi forerunner.
The Once Project has set out to empower parents, teachers and carers by giving them the knowledge they need to educate children to navigate safely on the Internet. This will be achieved by facilitating communication and exchange via discussion forums. Furthermore, the aim is to raise awareness of the positive aspects of the Internet by […]
Internet Explorer is giving me ‘Error – missing information” messages when I start the browser;OR Content Advisor has enabled itself and assigned itself a password; OR Content Advisor is not being disabled even after the correct procedure is followed; OR Content Advisor is not storing settings or Approved Sites list correctly; OR Content Advisor is […]
Die Doppelziele der ICRA lauten: Schutz von Kindern vor potentiell schädigenden Inhalten; und Schutz der Meinungsfreiheit im Internet. Wir bieten Ihnen als Webautor die Gelegenheit, unser System zur Erstellung eines Etiketts zu verwenden, das anschließend auf Ihrer Site eingefügt werden kann. Das System an sich ist ein objektives System: ICRA fällt keine Werturteile über Sites. […]
1. Quit Internet Explorer 2. Open Windows Explorer, select [View] > [Folder Options] to bring up the dialogue box below: 3. Click the View tab to bring up the dialogue box below and make sure you have selected “Show all files” as shown. 4. Click OK to exit the dialogue. Now highlight your hard drive […]
Internet Content Rating Association 5th Floor 22 Old Steine Brighton Sussex, BN1 1EL UK Tel: +44 (0)1273 648332 By Road From Junction 7 of the M25 motorway south of London take the southbound M23 sign posted to Brighton. At Junction 11 of the M23 the road merges with the A23. Follow this south all the […]