Category Archives: Blog

Internet Content Rating Association

Director Childnet International Nigel is director of Childnet International a charity he founded in 1995 to ensure children benefited from using the Internet rather than being exploited. Childnet’s projects include an international awards programme for Internet activities by and for children, an online directory of participative websites for kids, and much work on promoting internet […]

Internet Content Rating Association

Vice President IA Japan Akio Kokubu became Executive Director of Electronic Network Consortium in 1992. Now re-named IA Japan, Mr Kokubu is Vice President. Since joining the organization, he has been working on issues of intellectual property rights, content self-regulation and privacy protection on the Internet in Japan. He worked on architecture of computer systems […]

Internet Content Rating Association

Federal Government Affairs Associate Microsoft Corp. Bill Guidera is a Federal Government Affairs Associate for Microsoft Corp., based in Washington, D.C. He specializes in issues related to Internet content, law enforcement, consumer protection and jurisdiction. Before joining Microsoft Corp. he served as a management consultant for a “Big 5” American consultancy, focusing on the commercial […]

Internet Content Rating Association

Principal, Asia Network Research Sdn. Bhd. Secretary General, Asia & Pacific Internet Association (APIA) Senior Research Fellow, GLOCOM, International University of Japan Manager, Research & Planning, Institute for HyperNetwork Society Born in 1952, Mr. Aizu joined printing industry in 1971 after graduating from high school. In 1976, he moved into international advertising, marketing and public […]

Internet Content Rating Association

General Counsel & Vice-President AOL Europe Prior to embarking on her professional career, Clare obtained an L.L.B in Law/French from Birmingham University and went on to complete the Law Society professional examinations in 1989. In March 1990, Clare was Articled to a well-known City law firm, with a particular reputation in media and technology-related law. […]

Internet Content Rating Association

La Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA siglas en inglés – Asociación de Clasificación de Contenidos de Internet) es una organización internacional independiente que otorga poderes al público, especialmente a los padres, para realizar decisiones bien fundadas en cuanto a medios electrónicos gracias al etiquetado abierto y objetivo del contenidos. El doble objetivo de ICRA es: […]

Internet Content Rating Association

L’association de classification du contenu de l’Internet est une organisation indépendante, à but non lucratif avec des bureaux aux Etats-Unis et en Europe. Le but de l’ICRA est de protéger les enfants des contenus potentiellement nuisibles tout en défendant la liberté d’expression des fournisseurs de contenu. L’ICRA possède et gère le système d’étiquetage ICRA et […]