INFORMACIÓN MÁS RECIENTE ÚLTIMAS NOTICIAS GBDe Recommends ICRA labelling Council of Europe recommends self-regulation / labelling ICRAfilter beta tests begin CEO to speak at ICSTIS conference Labour Party conference EC conference
Category Archives: Blog
ICRAfilter is a browser-independent tool which will provide parents with a means to filter their children’s internet access according to three sets of guidelines: ICRA labels User’s own “block” and “allow” lists Third party lists of web sites The public release will be made available as a single download from this site […]
Advertising banner – revenues help support ICRA – a non profit organization
The ICRA system – a parent’s view. In October or early November this year, ICRA will launch the first version of its own filter. We will be seeking feedback from a wide variety of users which we will use to create an improved version of the filter which we expect to release in spring 2002. […]
Click here for general information about ICRA, the ICRA labelling system and its development since 1994. For a complete list of ICRA press releases and other information resources available on on this site click here.
LATEST NEWS LATEST INFORMATION GBDe Recommends ICRA labelling Council of Europe recommends self-regulation / labelling ICRAfilter beta tests begin CEO to speak at ICSTIS conference Labour Party conference EC conference
We have tried to give full details of the organization and how both web authors and web users can benefit from the ICRA labelling system. If you would like further clarification on general issues, or would like to give us some feedback, please write to [email protected]. Whilst ICRA is not able to formally maintain a […]
Ha salido del proceso de etiquetado porque ha declinado las condiciones. No se ha almacenado ninguno de los datos o información que ha escrito en las pantallas anteriores. Gracias por su interés en la labor de Internet Content Rating Association.
L’ICRA a un but double : protéger les enfants de contenus potentiellement nuisibles ; et protéger la liberté d’expression sur l’Internet. En tant qu’auteur de site web, nous vous invitons à utiliser notre système pour générer une étiquette que vous pouvez alors appliquer à votre site. Le système est conçu pour être objectif : l’ICRA […]
L’Internet est un moyen génial de bavarder avec des gens du monde entier et de se faire de nouveaux amis, de se renseigner sur tous les sujets possibles et imaginables et de s’éclater. Cependant, il faut faire attention – il se peut que ta sécurité soit menacée si tu ne prends pas quelques précautions très […]