17th February 2006 Toward a More Secure Web On behalf of the Quatro project, ICRA submitted a paper, that has now been accepted, for the forthcoming W3C Workshop Toward a More Secure Web. The Workshop aims to identify steps that can be taken to improve Web Security from the user-facing end of the spectrum: Practical […]
Category Archives: Blog
10th May 2006 BT’s New Online Safety Guide and Podcast Available The internet is a wonderful place, but are you confident enough to help children steer clear of its dangers? ICRA member British Telecom has provided a new report, an information pack and a podcast designed to give teachers, parents and children the know-how to […]
4th June 2004 Two new working groups launched ICRA has launched two new working groups to review key aspects of its work. The labelling working group will be investigating alternative methods for labelling. The present PICS-based system can sometimes present logistical and technical hurdles. A more flexible system, probably based on RDF, is being sought. […]
15th March 2005 ICRA Position Paper submitted to W3C ICRA has submitted its position paper for the W3C workshop on Rule Languages for Interoperability, due to be held in Washington, DC, on 27-28 April 2005. From ICRA’s perspective, the workshop will kick-start the process of developing a technology to supersede PICSRules, currently used as the […]
17th January 2005 First draft of RDF-based labels published As part of the Quatro project, and following on from the work of ICRA’s Labelling Working Group, the first draft of the proposed new labelling system has been published. The new system, based on RDF, offers many advantages over PICS labels currently used by ICRA and […]
12th October 2004 8th Transatlantic Dialogue Internet, Standards of Content and the Protection of Minors. Stephen Balkam, ICRA’s CEO, spoke at this international gathering in Berlin organized by the Media Authority of North Rhine-Westphalia (LfM). This gathering updated interested parties on developments since the issues were debated at the 5th meeting in 2003.
Paso 1 Paso 2 Paso 3 Paso 4 Crear una etiqueta para toda o la mayor parte de su sitio Web Crear etiquetas adicionales en caso necesario Subir su(s) etiqueta(s) a Internet Crear un enlace entre su contenido y su(s) etiqueta(s) Publicados por primera vez en 2000, los primeros elementos descriptivos utilizados por ICRA se […]
White House Conference on Missing, Exploited, and Runaway Children Participation by Senior Bush Administration officials at the White House Conference on Missing, Exploited, and Runaway Children provided a visible demonstration of this Administration’s commitment to creating a safer world for America’s children. John Ashcroft, US Attorney General, opened the conference, and US Secretary of State […]
23rd March 2005 The proposal for RDF-based content labels has been updated and is nearing its final version. The aim is to provide a new labelling system to supersede PICS and to bring content labelling into the “Semantic Web.” Details of proposal (this is a non-technical document that links to the technical proposal itself).
13-14th September 2001 GBDe Recommends ICRA labelling The Global Business Dialogue on Electronic Commerce (GBDe) is a worldwide, CEO-driven effort to develop policies that promote global electronic commerce for the benefit of businesses and consumers everywhere. Members include CEOs of world-leading corporations such as Cable & Wireless, Hitachi and Hewlett Packard. At their conference in […]