Category Archives: Blog

GBDe Recommends ICRA labelling

13-14th September 2001 GBDe Recommends ICRA labelling The Global Business Dialogue on Electronic Commerce (GBDe) is a worldwide, CEO-driven effort to develop policies that promote global electronic commerce for the benefit of businesses and consumers everywhere. Members include CEOs of world-leading corporations such as Cable & Wireless, Hitachi and Hewlett Packard. At their conference in […]

Council of Europe recommends self-regulation / labelling

6th September 2001 The Council of Europe adopted a recommendation to its member states where it strongly supports self-regulatory approaches to help protect children and preserve free speech on the internet. Self-labelling is very much encouraged, and the recommendation gives a lot of detail to the criteria for self labelling. See the full text here […]

Interdictions : trop ou pas assez

Imprimez cette page Si vous avez essayé de régler les options de combinaisons de filtres prédéfinis et trouvez que ICRAplus interdit ou, au contraire, autorise presque tout, essayez les méthodes suivantes : Vous pouvez tout d’abord utiliser les options de combinaisons de filtres avancées. Vous verrez, en particulier au bas de la page de combinaison […]

W3C Dublin Workshop

12th – 13th October 2004 W3C Workshop: Metadata for Content Adaptation, Dublin Phil Archer took part in this workshop and presented the work of the Labelling Working Group as ICRA prepares to move from PICS to RDF-based labels. Content Adaptation usually means making the same content available for users of different devices, such as desktop […]

Mobile Web Initiative Documents published

20th December 2005 Mobile Web Initiative Documents published The W3C Mobile Web Initiative’s Best Practices Working Group has published two documents today that will be of direct interest to companies and individuals creating content for delivery to the growing range and number of mobile devices. The Scope document, co-edited by ICRA’s Phil Archer, is now […]

Internet with a human face

26 – 27th March 2004 Internet with a human face – a common responsibility “Confronting the challenges of today to prepare Europe for tomorrow” ICRA participated in this important conference in Warsaw that, among other things, saw the existing European Safer Internet Plan activities embrace the EU’s new accession countries. ICRA’s particular involvement was the […]

Council of Europe

12th September 2005 Council of Europe ICRA’s Phil Archer will be one of the panellists at a European Forum event in Strasbourg entitled Human Rights in the Information Society: Responsible Behaviour by Key Actors In the light of a recent Declaration of the Committee of Ministers on Human Rights and the Rule of Law in […]

ICRA Online Child Protection Roundtable – British Embassy

1st February 2007 ICRA Online Child Protection Roundtable – British Embassy ICRA hosted another of its popular roundtable events, this time at the British Embassy in Washington DC. Among the topics slated for this discussion were: Credit card access to child pornography; Age verification methods; the .xxx domain proposal; and Mobile web and IM safety […]

Labelled with ICRA

No nudity No sexual material No violence No potentially offensive language No potentially harmful activities No user-generated content This material appears in an educational context The label declares that it was issued on 2005-10-3 Labels file is in ICRAchecked database The Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA) is an international, non-profit organization of internet leaders working […]

Stephen Balkam speaks at XBiz Conference

7th February 2007 Stephen Balkam to speak at XBiz Conference, Hollywood, California Stephen Balkam (ICRA), Stuart Lawley (ICM Registry), and Washington attorney Robert Corn-Revere will be leading a panel discussing the proposed .XXX TLD: A Dialogue with ICM Registry, at the XBiz Hollywood ’07 Conference. The conference will feature a daily two-track mixture of targeted […]