8th February 2005 Safer Internet Day is being celebrated in 27 countries across Europe and beyond on 8 February 2005. It represents an effort by a global community of awareness-raising partners to promote a safer Internet for all of its users, especially young people. The day’s events are conducted under the patronage of European Commissioner […]
Category Archives: Blog
30th September 2005 The QUATRO project has issued its first newsletter to provide an overview of the work so far completed. The core aim of the project is to allow trustmarks, also known as quality labels, to become both interoperable and machine-readable as part of the Semantic Web (about which there is more on this […]
1st September 2005 Mobile Web Initiative Scope Document Published The World Wide Web Consortium’s Mobile Web Initiative has published its first document. The Working Draft sets out the scope of MWI and, among other things, offers a definition of the term “One Web.” This has been a key discussion point as the group has worked […]
5th January 2006 ICRA joins PEGI Online Working Group ICRA is delighted to be working with leading games software manufacturers and regulators from across Europe to develop the PEGI Online Seal of Approval and to bring the successful PEGI games rating system to the online world. For more details see the projects page.
11th April 2005 On behalf of the Quatro project, ICRA has submitted its position paper to DC-2005: The International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications which takes place in Madrid in September. The paper gives a concise overview of the Quatro project as it stands today and sets the scene for the forthcoming deliverables. […]
Imprimez cette page La seule chose qui sépare ICRAplus et l’accès non filtré à l’Internet pour vos enfants est votre mot de passe. De la même manière, la seule chose qui risque de vous empêcher de voir l’Internet sans les filtres que vous avez configurés pour vos enfants est votre votre mot de passe… si […]
14th December 2005 ICRA Roundtable event Following on from the success of the first-ever ICRA Roundtable in Washington, DC in September, ICRA will be hosting its second Roundtable at the GSM Association in central London on Wednesday, December 14th. The event brings together more than 30 of the leading industry thinkers and content providers to […]
11th May 2005 The Worldwide Web Consortium (W3C) has today launched its Mobile Web Initiative. The activity is designed to make web access from a mobile device as simple, easy and convenient as from a desktop device. ICRA’s CTO, Phil Archer, has joined the Mobile Web Best Practices Group, one of two WGs set up […]
Testimony given by Sheridan Scott, Bell Canada, Board Member, Internet Content Rating Association Introduction Thank you, Chairman, for this opportunity to testify to this hearing of the COPA Commission. My name is Sheridan Scott and I am the Chief Regulatory Officer for Bell Canada and I am a Board member of the Internet Content Rating […]
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Create a label for all or most of your site Create additional labels if required Upload your label(s) to the web Link your content to your label(s) First published in 2000, the original ICRA descriptors were determined through a process of international consultation to establish a content […]