No nudity No sexual material No violence No potentially offensive language No potentially harmful activities No user-generated content This material appears in an educational context The label declares that it was issued on 2005-10-3 Labels file is in ICRAchecked database The Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA) is an international, non-profit organization of internet leaders working […]
Category Archives: Blog
No nudity No sexual material No violence No potentially offensive language No potentially harmful activities No user-generated content This material appears in an educational context The label declares that it was issued on 2005-10-3 Labels file is in ICRAchecked database The Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA) is an international, non-profit organization of internet leaders working […]
No nudity No sexual material No violence No potentially offensive language No potentially harmful activities No user-generated content This material appears in an educational context The label declares that it was issued on 2005-10-3 Labels file is in ICRAchecked database The Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA) is an international, non-profit organization of internet leaders working […]
No nudity No sexual material No violence No potentially offensive language No potentially harmful activities No user-generated content This material appears in an educational context The label declares that it was issued on 2005-10-3 Labels file is in ICRAchecked database The Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA) is an international, non-profit organization of internet leaders working […]
Imprima esta página Si ha configurado perfiles diferentes para miembros diferentes de la familia, cada usuario tendrá que conectarse a ICRAplus antes de utilizar Internet. Como medida de seguridad, a los usuarios se les pedirá que se conecten periódicamente mientras navegan por Internet (para más información puede dirigirse a la sección sobre perfiles). Los usuarios […]
Imprima esta página Cuando una página web es bloqueada, se le informará que filtro la ha bloqueado y porqué. Eso aparecerá como un mensaje corto como por ejemplo “contenido no apropiado encontrado”. Un enlace al lado del mensaje de cada filtro le dará información más completa sobre el comportamiento de este filtro. Para invalidar un […]
The Exemplary Multimedia Company offers a range of ring tones, video clips, full TV programmes, images and text. In order to maximize their assets they make metadata available that describes each resource in terms of: content type, subject matter, authorship, genre etc. compliance with Mobile Web Initiative Best Practice (mobileOK) compliance with WAI guidelines presence […]
The Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA) is an international, non-profit organization of internet leaders working to develop a safer internet. ICRA has long believed that self-regulation leads to the best balance between the free flow of digital content and protecting children from potentially harmful material. The centrepiece of the organization is the descriptive vocabulary, often […]
L’ICRA donne la possibilité aux parents de choisir quel contenu numérique leurs enfants sont autorisés à voir ou pas. « Choix, et non censure » est l’expression qui résume le mieux notre philosophie. Please follow the appropriate link below for more information. Etapes suivantes
ICRA d la possibilit ai genitori di fare scelte su ci che vogliono far vedere o non vedere ai loro figli. ‘Scegliere non vuol dire censurare’ la frase che meglio riassunme la nostra filosofia. Segua prego il collegamento adatto qui sotto per le pi informazioni. Prossimi passi