Category Archives: Blog


互联网内容标签协会(ICRA)附属会员是让小型公司或个人参与支持ICRA的两大宗旨: 保护儿童免受网上可能有害的物品影响和, 保障网上的言论自由。 ICRA以大的公司或个人附属会员为荣,因为他们经已承诺在他们所创设和管理的网页执行标签化,并支持ICRA的工作。 除了在此页列出名字外,成为附属会员还有其他的益处,如要更多资料,请按此。 所有有关附属会员的介绍均不应引起任何诉讼,你可先到「标签内容页」查看附属会员的标签,才到其网站,这是实时查看已标签网站的工具(采用JavaScript) 。 立即加入   All Associate Member sites are labelled and you may like to use the relevant “内容标签” link provided for each entry to check the label before proceeding to an Associate Member’s website. This is a live check on the relevant website’s ICRA label (uses JavaScript). Re-set page […]


互联网内容标签协会(ICRA)附属会员是让小型公司或个人参与支持ICRA的两大宗旨: 保护儿童免受网上可能有害的物品影响和, 保障网上的言论自由。 ICRA以大的公司或个人附属会员为荣,因为他们经已承诺在他们所创设和管理的网页执行标签化,并支持ICRA的工作。 除了在此页列出名字外,成为附属会员还有其他的益处,如要更多资料,请按此。 所有有关附属会员的介绍均不应引起任何诉讼,你可先到「标签内容页」查看附属会员的标签,才到其网站,这是实时查看已标签网站的工具(采用JavaScript) 。 立即加入   All Associate Member sites are labelled and you may like to use the relevant “内容标签” link provided for each entry to check the label before proceeding to an Associate Member’s website. This is a live check on the relevant website’s ICRA label (uses JavaScript). Re-set page […]


互联网内容标签协会(ICRA)附属会员是让小型公司或个人参与支持ICRA的两大宗旨: 保护儿童免受网上可能有害的物品影响和, 保障网上的言论自由。 ICRA以大的公司或个人附属会员为荣,因为他们经已承诺在他们所创设和管理的网页执行标签化,并支持ICRA的工作。 除了在此页列出名字外,成为附属会员还有其他的益处,如要更多资料,请按此。 所有有关附属会员的介绍均不应引起任何诉讼,你可先到「标签内容页」查看附属会员的标签,才到其网站,这是实时查看已标签网站的工具(采用JavaScript) 。 立即加入   All Associate Member sites are labelled and you may like to use the relevant “内容标签” link provided for each entry to check the label before proceeding to an Associate Member’s website. This is a live check on the relevant website’s ICRA label (uses JavaScript). Re-set page […]

Mirko Bibic

Chief, Regulatory Affairs Bell Canada Mirko Bibic is Chief, Regulatory Affairs at Bell Canada. He is responsible for overseeing all activities involving the CRTC, the Copyright Board and the Competition Bureau on behalf of Bell Canada, Bell Mobility and Bell ExpressVu. Prior to joining Bell in January 2004, Mirko was the managing partner of the […]


互联网内容标签协会(ICRA)附属会员是让小型公司或个人参与支持ICRA的两大宗旨: 保护儿童免受网上可能有害的物品影响和, 保障网上的言论自由。 ICRA以大的公司或个人附属会员为荣,因为他们经已承诺在他们所创设和管理的网页执行标签化,并支持ICRA的工作。 除了在此页列出名字外,成为附属会员还有其他的益处,如要更多资料,请按此。 所有有关附属会员的介绍均不应引起任何诉讼,你可先到「标签内容页」查看附属会员的标签,才到其网站,这是实时查看已标签网站的工具(采用JavaScript) 。 立即加入   All descriptions of ICRA’s Associate Members’ businesses are presented in a manner intended not to cause any offence. However, Associate Members operate a wide variety of sites and users may wish not to see details, and be offered links to, some of these. If you check […]

David Kerr

Secretary General Internet Content Rating Association David Kerr was appointed as the first Chief Executive of the Internet Watch Foundation in October 1996 and has built and developed the organisation from the original agreement between the UK Internet industry, government and police. The Internet Watch Foundation was formed to implement key aspects of the “SafetyNet […]


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互聯網內容標籤協會(ICRA)附屬會員是讓小型公司或個人參與支持ICRA的兩大宗旨: 保護兒童免受網上可能有害的物品影響;和, 保障網上的言論自由。 ICRA以大的公司或個人附屬會員為榮,因為他們經已承諾在他們所創設和管理的網頁執行標籤化,並支持ICRA的工作。 除了在此頁列出名字外,成為附屬會員還有其他的益處,如要更多資料,請按此。 立即加入 All Associate Member sites are labelled and you may like to use the relevant “內容標籤” link provided for each entry to check the label before proceeding to an Associate Member’s website. This is a live check on the relevant website’s ICRA label (uses JavaScript). Re-set page configuration Methamphetamine is […]

互联网内容标签协会 : 家长指引

对不起,这一页只能以英文显示。     Image courtesy of Corbis The Protecting Kids with Digimarc program is similar to the Internet Content Rating Association’s website labeling system in that it enables content providers to voluntarily self-regulate their web content in an effort to help make the internet safer for children and to reduce the likelihood of stricter government […]


互联网内容标签协会(ICRA)附属会员是让小型公司或个人参与支持ICRA的两大宗旨: 保护儿童免受网上可能有害的物品影响和, 保障网上的言论自由。 ICRA以大的公司或个人附属会员为荣,因为他们经已承诺在他们所创设和管理的网页执行标签化,并支持ICRA的工作。 除了在此页列出名字外,成为附属会员还有其他的益处,如要更多资料,请按此。 所有有关附属会员的介绍均不应引起任何诉讼,你可先到「标签内容页」查看附属会员的标签,才到其网站,这是实时查看已标签网站的工具(采用JavaScript) 。 立即加入   All Associate Member sites are labelled and you may like to use the relevant “内容标签” link provided for each entry to check the label before proceeding to an Associate Member’s website. This is a live check on the relevant website’s ICRA label (uses JavaScript). Re-set page […]