Category Archives: Press

ICRA lanza un sistema para conseguir que Internet sea un lugar seguro para los niños

Hoy se ha dado a conocer un importante y nuevo paso en la tarea de proteger a los niños usuarios de Internet respetando al mismo tiempo la libertad de expresión de los proveedores de información. La Asociación de Clasificación de Contenidos en Internet [ICRA], organización independiente y sin fines de lucro, establecida en Europa y […]

Internet industry leaders gather for launch of ICRAfilter

Today’s unveiling of ICRAfilter marks a significant development in international efforts towards empowering parents to protect their children on the Internet without infringing on content providers’ freedom of expression. ICRAfilter is the second phase of the Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA) global labelling system. The initial phase was the creation of the first truly international syntax to […]

Hong Kong to introduce Internet content rating system

The Government and the Hong Kong Internet Service Providers Association (HKISPA) will join hands to implement an Internet content rating system project to minimise the impact of unhealthy Internet information on young people and children. The project adopts the rating system developed by the Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA). Under this system, webmasters who took […]

Inmedia supports ICRA

Inmedia, the independent global communications company, is supporting ICRA by providing free web hosting facilities at one of its UK teleports. With further support being provided by Inmedia’s former colleagues at Kingston Communications, ICRA’s online home is now a state-of-the-art tier 1 hosting centre just outside London. Commenting on the move, ICRA’s CEO, Stephen Balkam, […]

New Microsoft Front Page Add-In Helps Website Authors Make The Internet Safer For Children

Tool Links with ICRA System So Authors Can Add Content Labels to Web Sites Microsoft Corp. and the Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA) today released a new free add-in for Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003, the premier Web site creation and management application. This new tool helps web site authors more easily add ICRA content labels […]

Zenbow : L’Internet en toute sérénité pour les enfants et les parents

Le premier produit de sécurité au monde à avoir reçu le label de l’ICRA Le taux d’équipement en France est en forte progression depuis trois ans. Aujourd’hui presque 3/4 des foyers français ont l’accès à Internet. Si le haut débit permet aux internautes d’avoir plus de confort sur le Net, il est aussi source de […]

IQUA to Represent ICRA in Spain

Internet Quality Agency To Raise Profile of Labelling and Filtering To Spanish-Speaking Internet Users Barcelona and Brighton 7th April 2005 IQUA, the Internet Quality Agency and the Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA) have signed an agreement that IQUA will now act as ICRA’s representative in Spain. From today, IQUA is the contact point for Spanish-speaking […]

Verizon Foundation Delivers $70k Grant To ICRA, Supporting the Development of a Safer Internet

Grant Supports Global Labelling Organisation In Transition From PICS to RDF Standard, To Make Labels Apply To Wider Range of Digital Content The Verizon Foundation has bestowed a grant of $70,000 on the Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA), a global leader in promoting child protection and free speech rights through self regulation of the digital […]

Editions Profil annonce un partenariat avec l’ICRA pour la promotion et la diffusion du logiciel Parental Filter

Editions Profil , éditeur du logiciel Parental Filter, annonce un partenariat avec l´organisme international ICRA, qui fait référence dans le domaine de la surveillance de contenu Internet et de la protection des enfants. L´Internet Content Rating Association, ICRA (Association de classification du contenu d’Internet) est une organisation internationale à but non lucratif réunissant les leaders […]

Vivid Entertainment Uses ICRA labelling To Help Make The Internet Safer For Children

Leading Provider of Adult Content Supports Internet Content Rating Association’s Self-Regulatory Efforts LOS ANGELES and WASHINGTON, DC. – May 15 2006 – Vivid Entertainment Group, the leading adult film studio, said today it will support the Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA) by adopting self-regulatory labelling and other steps to prevent access by children to online adult […]