ICRA’s Associate Membership exists to allow smaller companies and individuals to support ICRA’s twin aims of:
ICRA is proud to count the following companies and individuals as Associate Members. They have all made a commitment to label websites they create and maintain, and to support ICRA’s work. As well as a listing on this page there are other benefits to Associate Membership status. To find out more, please click here. |
All descriptions of ICRA’s Associate Members’ businesses are presented in a manner intended not to cause any offence. You may, however, like to use the relevant “Content label” link to check the label before proceeding to an Associate Member’s website. This is a live check on the relevant website’s ICRA label (uses JavaScript).
Jail Alternative
Have you had problems connected with drinking or drugging during the past few months? Has your drinking or drugging caused trouble in your family or at home?
Do you have “blackouts”, where you cannot remember when your drunk or high?
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GHB – A Club Drug
It is widely known as a ‘date rape’ drug because of its use to knock victims unconscious in a string of sexual assaults.
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LSD – A Club Drug
The effects of LSD can seem either pleasant or frightening.
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Ketamine – A Club Drug
Use of Special K can result in profound physical and mental problems.
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Crystal Meth – A Club Drug
Methamphetamine, a derivative of amphetamine, is a powerful stimulant that affects the central nervous system.
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Coke Rehab
If you have a loved one addicted to cocaine, we can help.
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Crack Abuse
Crack Cocaine addiction requires crack cocaine detox and rehab to fully overcome the adverse mental and physical effects of the drug.
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Drug Addiction Treatment Program
Are you losing a loved one to addiction? Addiction carries with it much loss.
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Oxycontin Abuse and Oxycontin Addiction
Once oxycodone enters the body, it works by stimulating certain opioid receptors that are located throughout the central nervous system.
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Painkilller Addiction
The non-medical use or abuse of prescription drugs can lead to abuse and addiction.
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Pot Rehab
Marijuana addiction is a phenomenon experienced by more than 150,000 individuals each year who enter treatment for their proclaimed addiction to marijuana.
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Rave Drugs
MDMA has become such an integral part of the rave circuit that there no longer appears to be an attempt to conceal its use.
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Drug Addiction Treatment Solutions
Drug Rehabilitation Center and Alcohol Rehab Program Referral and Counseling at Treatment Solutions
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Zero Drugs – Zero Drugs – Drug Rehabilitation Support
We are a non-profit public benefit organization dedicated to eliminating drug abuse and drug addiction.
Visit Zero Drugs – Zero Drugs – Drug Rehabilitation Support | Content label | More…
The Recovery Index
A comprehensive list of mental health and drug addiction treatment facilities.
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Der IVEW ist ein Onlineverband der seine Mitglieder bei der Erstellung rechtskonformer Webseiten unterstützt.
Visit IVEW e.V. | Content label | More…
Sheline Entertainment
SHELINE ENTERTAINMENT ist eine internationale Internetagentur die diverse Projekte aus dem Erotik- und NonErotik-Bereich betreibt.
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Kontaktanzeigen für Singles. Finden Sie Ihren Traumpartner
Visit Flirtfans | Content label | More…
Zasterbox bietet komplexe Dienste zu Credit Risk Management an. Diese beinhalten Beratung und Software-Lösungen
Visit Zasterbox.de | Content label | More…
Marketingman – Online Marketing Magazine
News, aktuelle Berichte und Recherchen zum Thema Online-Marketing, Online-Werbung und Suchmaschinentechnologien.
Visit Marketingman – Online Marketing Magazine | Content label | More…
Domainside GbR
Willkommen bei Domainside – Ihr Partner für Domains und Web-Services – Wir bieten Ihnen laufend eine Auswahl inter-nationaler Top-Domains.
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Allopass offers an online micropayment system that doesn’t need a credit card.
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AaZ Sexe
Un annuaire de sites pour adulte qui supporte activement les efforts de l’Icra pour proteger les enfants de la pornographie en ligne.
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Sensibilisation des parents à la sécurisation de leur ordinateur et à un bon usage de leur accès Internet afin de protéger les mineurs des sites pornographiques.
Visit Attention-Porno.com | Content label | More…
Sex shop X
Sex Shop X est un site adulte francophone qui supporte les efforts de l’Icra pour proteger les enfants de la pornographie en ligne.
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Annuaire Sexe gratuit
Notre annuaire encourage ses membres à étiqueter leurs sites avec ICRA.
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Sexe 999
Annuaire de sites de sexe.
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Sensible à la protection des mineurs, Webrencontres soutient activement l’icra.
Visit WebRencontres.net | Content label | More…
Casinos du Web
Notre guide des sites de jeux Francophones supporte activement icra.
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B Prod
B Prod, spécialisé dans la production et la réalisation de sites Internet soutient activement l’ICRA.
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Notre annuaire de sites pour adulte encourage ses inscrits à étiqueter leurs sites avec le système icra.
Visit Sex-is-Free.net | Content label | More…
JBMulti soutient l’icra dans la protection des mineurs.
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Mon Las Vegas
Mon Las Vegas soutient l’icra.
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ParisVoyeur, un des plus gros site pornographique francophone.
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