Become a member of ICRA

NB. Obtaining an ICRA label is free and does not constitute membership of the organization.

ICRA is a non-profit organization that brings together major internet industry players, telecommunications companies, content providers and child protection bodies. The dual aims are to protect children and free speech rights on the internet. It’s a challenging area in which interests, opinions and the enormous diversity of world cultures are all brought into focus.

Membership of ICRA means that your company’s voice will be heard in this crucial arena!


Membership is open to a wide range of companies and non-profit organizations with a subscription structure to match. Join us, and see your company logo alongside some of the biggest names in the industry. As well as the biggest names we’re delighted to welcome many comapnies and individuals who support our work as Associate Members. This membership level is aimed at web professionals, in particular web design companies, but attracts a wide ranging online community.


ICRA has created a system that empowers parents to protect children from material they believe to be harmful while protecting freedom of expression. Choice is not censorship. ICRA works with content providers toward the responsible development and growth of the internet.

The Internet Content Rating Association does not rate internet content. Content providers do that, using the ICRA system. ICRA makes no value judgments about which sites are suitable for a child. Parents and other concerned adults do that.


Membership of ICRA allows you to participate directly in the development of technology to protect children on the internet and to promote self-regulation, not government regulation. It’s a chance to act as a “good corporate citizen” – a sound business move as consumers favour companies that are identified with the protection of children. Finally of course, you sit at the table with leaders of the internet industry.

How much does it cost to join ICRA?

Membership categories Annual subscription
  US dollars Euros Sterling
Corporations (With more than 100 employees) 30,000 35,650 21,350
Corporations (Fewer than 100 employees) 15,000 17,825 10,675
Non-profit (More than 100 employees)* 30,000 35,650 21,350
Non-profit (Fewer than 100 employees) 5,000 5,940 3,560
Associate member 100 100 70

*  ICRA Board may waive a portion of the fee

What are the benefits?

Corporate and non-profit members

As a corporate or non-profit member you will enjoy the following benefits:

  • A vote at the AGM on the future direction of the ICRA system and organization.
  • The right to nominate a representative to sit on the ICRA Board of Directors (subject to election).
  • Joint press release on joining and mention in all subsequent releases.
  • Your company listed in all marketing and promotional material.
  • Logo and link from ICRA web site (well over 10,000 unique visitors per day).

Associate members

As an Associate Member you will enjoy the following benefits:

  1. The right to use any of a choice of specially-designed logos on your on- and offline materials.
  2. A listing on ICRA’s high-traffic website.
  3. The right to attend ICRA’s Annual General Meeting held each year in September. Voting rights are retained for full members but you will have the chance to meet representatives of some of the biggest names on the internet.
  4. The right to attend an Associate Members’ forum to be held annually to coincide with the AGM.
  5. Priority technical support, normally within 24 hours, often less.
  6. Priority access to ICRA information and materials.
Join now

In return, we ask that you promote the self-labelling message by:

  1. Ensuring that your own website is fully labelled using ICRA labels.
  2. Labelling any websites developed or managed by you.
  3. Encouraging others to label their sites.
  4. Encouraging others to become Associate Members of ICRA.

Statement on partnerships with governments and their agencies

The Internet Content Rating Association is an independent, non-profit organization whose main aim is to empower parents to protect their children from potentially harmful content on the internet while protecting the free speech rights on content providers. Most of ICRA’s financial backing comes from industry and non-profit organizations as an indication of their support of this international, self-regulatory effort. ICRA also receives funding from government sources as in the case of the European Union’s Internet Action Plan’s grants. We accept grants, donations and other funding from governments and their agencies with the strict understanding that those governments will not in any way influence, determine or direct the work or activities of ICRA. And ICRA will insist that any government that enters into an arrangement or agreement that the government department or agency adhere to the ICRA principles of choice and not censorship. These principles will be laid out in any agreement or licensing arrangement that may subsequently be created. ICRA will defend its independence and will not enter into any agreement or arrangement that might in any way affect or undermine its values and principles. This applies to industry as well as government usage of the ICRA system.

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