Family Online Safty Institute Associate Bember Benefits

As an Associate Member you will enjoy the following benefits:

  1. The right to use any of a choice of specially-designed logos on your on- and offline materials.
  2. A listing on FOSI’s high-traffic, high page rank website.
  3. Free entry in the ICRAchecked database
  4. Priority technical support, normally within 24 hours, often less.
  5. Priority access to FOSI information and materials.

Moreover you’ll show your support for FOSI’s self-regulatory effort to protect children and free speech.

The listing on the FOSI website is in two parts:

  1. A short ‘headline’ (max. 140 characters in any language) that is displayed by default. Beneath this there are 3 links, one that triggers a tool that will offer the user real-time interpretation of your site’s label, a link to your site and a ‘More…’ link that reveals the longer description (see next point).
  2. A longer description of your site (max. 100 words) that, again, can be in any language. Your company logo can be displayed alongside this text. Links are provided to your site and to the live label interpretation tool.

In return, we ask that you promote the self-labelling message by:

  1. Ensuring that your own website is fully labelled using FOSI labels.
  2. Labelling any websites developed or managed by you.
  3. Encouraging others to label their sites.
  4. Encouraging others to become Associate Members of FOSI.

Please see the general conditions below for further important details.

Gold award

Associate members may be selected for a gold award. This is entirely at the discretion of FOSI staff and is designed to reward associate members who actively promote FOSI and self-labelling. The selection criteria are deliberately vague with no definite rules. However, a typical gold award winner would probably maintain several websites, all of which would be labelled, and all of which would explicitly promote FOSI in some way.

Gold award winners will benefit from extra space and priority listing on the FOSI website. Furthermore, they are eligible for top billing as the “Associate member of the week” from time to time.


The Associate Membership fee is $100 (USD), €100 (EUR) or £70 sterling (GBP) per annum, payable annually through PayPal. Please note that FOSI uses PayPal’s subscription service. If you cancel your Associate Membership you will need to cancel your subscription payments through PayPal yourself.

Sign me up!

General conditions

  1. FOSI reserves the right not to display any logo or use descriptive text that may cause offence.
  2. The site we link to must be fully and accurately labelled.
  3. Associate members’ details may be removed from the FOSI website if the label is removed from the member’s site or is inaccurate.
  4. On termination of your associate membership, all use of the FOSI associate member logos will cease.
  5. The order in which associate members are listed on this website is based on the order of joining. However, the order is modified according to the following rules:
    1. The expanded details of an associate member chosen by the user when clicking a “More…” link will be displayed at the top of the list. If no associate member is selected, which is the default, then the next rule applies.
    2. If a gold award winner has been selected by FOSI as the associate member of the week, they will be shown, with additional material, at the top of the first page which is linked from the navigation pane.
    3. When there is no current associate member of the week, and at all times for other associate members pages, the next rule applies.
    4. Gold award winners are then listed by language group, generally according to the alphabetical order of the languages. However, English is always either first or second. For example, a French user will see first French gold award winners, then English, then German (de), Spanish (es), Italian (it), Chinese (zh).
    5. The remaining associate members are then displayed, grouped by language according to the same rules as for gold award winners.
  6. A maximum of 50 associate members will be displayed on any page. This is done to ease navigation for users. FOSI takes steps to ensure, however, that listings and links are optimized for search engine exposure.

What next?