I’ve labelled my site but it’s now inaccessible. Why?

We have heard of rare cases where web sites that are protected by firewalls become unavailable after labels have been added. The reason is that the labels.rdf file is declared as being an RDF file. However, the firewall examines the file as it passes through and detects that it is an XML file. Both are true since the RDF – the description of your site – is expressed in XML.

There are two possible solutions:

  1. Configure your firewall to recognise and allow the labels.rdf file.
  2. Rename the labels.rdf file as labels.xml

Configuring your firewall

ICRA is unable to offer specific advice on firewall configuration beyond stating that the correct MIME type for the labels.rdf file is application/rdf+xml. Please refer to your firewall’s documentation for instructions on adding this.

If you don’t have access to your firewall or it doesn’t allow the addition of MIME types, the remaining option is to rename the labels.rdf file.

Renaming the labels.rdf file

Step 1: Rename the labels.rdf file to labels.xml

Step 2: Within the link tag that you’re adding to your web pages you’ll see this:


That needs to change to reflect the new filename thus:


Apart from that, all instructions for labelling your site remain unchanged.