Category Archives: Press

Eco ist jetzt Local Representative von ICRA für deutschsprachige Länder

Berlin, den 22.07.2003 Eco, der Verband der deutschen Internetwirtschaft und die Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA) haben in Berlin eine Vereinbarung unterzeichnet, nach der eco nunmehr Point of Presence von ICRA in Deutschland und für andere deutschsprachige Länder ist. Ab heute ist eco Ansprechpartner für Webmaster, Nutzer und Politik für alle Anfragen rund um das […]

Cable & Wireless extends support for internet safety

Cable & Wireless, the international telecommunications group, today further strengthened its commitment to internet safety by announcing additional support for the Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA). Cable & Wireless has made available £84,000 to help ICRA develop its content labelling system and promote such labelling around the world. Cable & Wireless hopes that through an […]

Eco to be ICRA representative in German speaking countries

Eco, the German Internet Service Provider’s Association and the Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA) have signed an agreement in Berlin that eco will now act as ICRA’s point of presence in Germany and other German speaking countries. From today, eco is the contact point for German speaking webmasters, users and politicians for all enquiries about […]

ICRA to Launch Campaign for A Safer Internet Community

Verizon Grant Kicks Off Planning of Ambitious Two-Year Educational Program WASHINGTON, DC – The Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA) today said it intends to launch a massive two-year educational program to encourage parents to become more involved in what their children are doing on the Internet. Dubbed “Campaign for A Safer Internet Community,” ICRA officials […]

iGGBA adopts ICRA standard for parental controls on I-Gaming

At the European I-Gaming Congress and Expo, the interactive Gaming, Gambling and Betting Association announced the adoption of the Internet Content Rating Association’s (ICRA) system of parental control. Each member of iGGBA will rate their web site which will then allow parents to voluntarily set filters to prevent children from accessing I-Gaming web sites. “The […]

Adult industry leaders unite to protect children from inappropriate content

Internet Content Rating Association Salutes Visionary Companies for Aggressive Stance On Self Regulation, Web-Site Labeling Washington, DC, March 6, 2002 – Leading companies in the adult entertainment industry ranging from Larry Flynt Productions and MaxCash to YNOTMasters and Epoch are taking a proactive and aggressive stand to protect children from inappropriate or harmful Internet content, […]